Thursday, July 22, 2021

Martial Arts and Crafts

Thank you for saying this. I try to keep it in mind but still...

I get frustrated when it seems like all I actually do is say the same few things over and over. On the mat. Off the mat. Communicating is extra hard when I'm caught up in not being heard or misunderstood. Makes me think about how long it took me to hear what I needed to hear and turn down any path towards discovery. Owning it. 

The best teachers were constantly steering me in the direction I needed to go to grow. The worst ones held bits back so students never owned anything and ensured they kept some feelings of power. 

And another quote from Rory comes to mind-
"Just because you've said something a thousand times doesn't mean your students have heard it a thousand times."

I have to question myself all the time, am I talking to fill the space and seem important or am I noticing when something important doesn't land? I can repeat myself like a parrot or I can figure out what's missing in my communication. Some things take maturity and I have to give space and time for growth, stop insisting and let it get processed in it's own way. Some things I need to present a thousand different ways and the moment of the discovery...the lightbulb- it's worth all the saying and showing and getting creative and waiting and letting them grow. That's the stuff I can control. I can't understand it through experience for pass on ownership I have to let that go and allow them to pick up what I put down. 

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