Thursday, November 6, 2014

UBBT Test Journal: New Ground & Being Humble Enough To Do The Work

I'm keeping a log of day-to-day stuff on Google Docs. Tough because I'm a paper journal person...but my paper journals are just for me and a part of this UBBT journey is in the sharing. Keeping a digital journal makes me practice writing this way (I don't like it!) and the value is in the practice. Here's what I wrote this morning:

11/6 New ground for me- really understanding my current needs in nutrition and fueling my body like an athlete. So I did some LEAST favorite thing. But forcing myself to look at the math is reality. I do believe in going by how I feel to gauge my fitness. I have to change my thinking on this some - First of all admitting that most of the reason I don’t dig too deeply into the numbers of my fitness is that I have a gap in knowledge and the math of it all intimidates me. (back to this: Do the work! Be HUMBLE enough to do the work. thx Kino) What I’m discovering is that I know more about it than I think, I’m just not confident about my knowledge because it takes me a minute to work through it. Perfection drives a wedge that really sucks. There is also the unknown...I've never been in this position. I've always needed to lose weight (got my Weight Watchers golden key ring at 12) and I know how to do that really well, I’m confident in my ability to help myself and others on that road. BUT- The things I know about nutrition are all filtered through that lens and it’s not really serving me any longer.

Through a different lens I see science, I want to work from facts not feelings. That said, if I set a goal of 13% body fat but FEEL like shit there I’ll respect that and re-evaluate. I’m shedding the mindset of not going by a number on the scale, but how my clothes feel or what I perceive when I look in the mirror. Letting go of the shape and form of my physical being and digging deep into function. There are many layers to work on here for me and even as I’m writing it out I’m laughing at my concern over the “math” which is just a roadblock that’s enabled my avoidance. Re-writing internal scripts is hard work. Again: (back to this: Do the work! Be HUMBLE enough to do the work. thx Kino)  Uncomfortable as it is, I would rather have this annoying/awesome Kinovoice in my head and get on with the work than just repeating old scripts that no longer serve me.

THE NUMBERS: My lean body mass is 125 lbs. I want to maintain that and reduce my body fat by 2-3% by April. Right now it is 15.5% and the fancy math tells me that my body weight should drop from 148.8 to 143.7 to shed 5.1 lbs of body fat to arrive at my goal of 13%.

CURRENT GOAL: Get at least 125 grams of lean protein a day. I’m just going to start with that. Workouts are going great and I’m happy with the progress I’m seeing in strength and mobility.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Reading Habit- Completion

I read. I read every single day. A dream vacation for me would be a library tour. That's not exactly a problem, what I want to address is the way that I read. I cover bits  here and there. I research. It's not about making myself read, it's about making myself finish.

 My goal is to develop a habit of completion.

I'm going to read a book every week cover to cover for a year. I was inspired by this post from Julien Smith, who's blog gives me a punch in the eye every time I have the guts to step in the ring, and Rory Miller's recommended reading list in the back of Meditations on Violence which starts like this: "First off, read a damn book. Read lots of books." He tries to read two non-fiction books a week. I created a place to list what I've read specifically for this project.

The reason I'm working so hard? It's what I do.
Plus I've found a group that truly represents that...the work is the way.
The process of the U.B.B.T. has been pushing me to shore up the gaps, to take a good look at things I can improve, and not just on the mat. The program's creator encourages test candidates to take a good look the people who's work we admire. He wants us to look hard at the practices that set them apart from the herd. What are the things that get their best work to the world? Sometimes it's chance, but the trend I'm seeing is conviction. One of the test requirements is to profile ten living heroes.

The process of thinking about which people represent heroism to me and WHY has stirred up many things, and I'm quickly realizing that with this program- that's often the point.

It's not pointing me towards the people he thinks I should emulate. Every other martial arts business group out there points you towards their system and their success stories and their leaders and away from anything else that could distract you from loyalty to their system. That's not the case with The 100 Method (a project that originated from The Ultimate Black Belt Test as an ongoing resource for martial arts school owners) The goal is constant self improvement, an examination of ethical business practices, and support for the people in my industry that want to bring much more to "the job" and make that kind of inspiration directly affect the people that we serve.

It's about looking for what inspires ME to do my best work.

So, this is what I'm asking myself:

Who is influencing you? 
Is it the people that are out in the world doing their best work? 
What are you doing today that pushes you to do yours?

Friday, August 22, 2014

Refocus: UBBT Testing Top 5

The ultimate test.

What progress would make this U.B.B.T. year the ultimate?
For me...

To understand violence deeply.

To be a master teacher of non-violence I will study violence. 
I want to contribute to future peace by addressing it at the source. The people. 
Myself-My Children-My Students-My Community

To test my limits.

I will continue to explore my personal glitches.  (not resolve, just recognize) 

To define and embrace the practice of martial arts as it applies to healing/creating health. 

Heal, not because I think I'm broken or messed up. I want to create wholeness and to do that I need to shed some assumptions and embrace what applies as where I can begin. 
For personal integrity of mind/body/spirit. 

To learn about letting go of stuff.

Renunciation. Resilience in chaos. Adapt. 
Whenever I feel out of control if I look around at my environment I see that it is chaotic. 


Because it is last and it needs to be first. 
It is the Alpha. It terrifies me.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Looking Over Notes

With a crazy week behind me, yesterday I dug right in to see where I stand with reaching my goals. I keep a written calendar and journal. I have done that for as long as I can remember. Documenting your process is a huge factor in your outcome.

 It doesn't matter how you do it- paper, electronic, video, artfully....messily- just get it down. You can organize and figure it out later...JUST GET IT DOWN.

I have notes that I have made and have never looked at and likely never will revisit. I also have found inspiration, confirmation, rejuvenation, reexamination in others. Looking over data tells me what I need to know about where I am in the process. I have experienced many phases of not evaluating for lots of reasons, but I always come back to it. It makes me feel in control. That makes me feel safe. When I feel safe I can get creative and figure my way through it, even complicated and difficult things. When I feel lost and don't know where I am I feel anxious and depressed. Overwhelmed is the word that fits that feeling for me.
Overwhelmed sucks. Overwhelmed super-sucks.

Here is the quick overview:

Week 1
- getting the numbers
- requirements
- relationship of worthiness/earning
- #journeyof1Kmiles

Week 2
-Julia Hill webcast
-Courage is Contagious
-"We don't have to be perfect, just engaged and committed to aligning values with action."    Daring Greatly p.182 (Brene Brown)

Week 3
-meal prep
-first walk with Lee
-UBBT call 1
-knee swelling
-Zen Walking
-real confidence is not conditional

Week 4:
-talked to Len, started making contacts #1Korangestripes
-first evaluation & started new physical protocol
-at 1st adjustment feeling stronger
-thought and prepared for graduation week

I also looked at details I don't want to get lost and made notes.
Some discoveries:

-jotted down 17 things to talk about, blog about, share
-brainstormed ways to engage and build my circle of influence
-what is current...who can I support by sharing, donating, volunteering
-my schedule...when am I getting stuff done and what to add/subtract
-lots to follow up, and with lofty goals action is momentum


              An object at rest stays at rest
                      and an object in motion stays in motion
                                     with the same speed and direction.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Eighteen - Bitter/Sweet

This is going to be a tough week.

My eldest is graduating High School on Friday.

Connection. Family.
I will watch my daughter walk down an isle.
These big moments make me acutely aware that my mother is not with me.
As my children grow it makes me aware of my aging- plus today is my birthday.
I will have out of town guests, there will be a big party at my home.
I'm a worker. All this socializing tends to be more work than it needs to be. I want to stay focused on the connection of it rather that the execution. I have plenty of help, all I need to do is ask. Allowing myself to accept help will be a part of meditations this week. I am capable. If I stay focused on the connection rather than the execution I can realize that the physical part of it all doesn't need to be perfect. This is VERY challenging for me.

I will have to do the minimum when it comes to my physical training. This drives me crazy. Seriously crazy to the point that I convince myself it is better to just not do any training. Or not do things like this test, or not look at my data at all, or forget to practice what I teach. I have to give myself permission to just do the minimum to stay on track. That will be progress. In the personal growth area that will be MAJOR progress.

A busy schedule and entertaining historically are a diet recipe for disaster. Today I am prepping my meals for the 2nd week. This has had a huge impact on my first month of training. It will be one of the keys to keeping my intake on track any week but especially ones like these. In the next few weeks I will start posting about how I am doing that and successes/learning opportunities so far.

My list of what will help:
meal prep - do my reps - be realistic - consider my overwhelm's affect on others - stay grateful

- Be brave in facing connection.  That is it's own post. Or a book.

I want to stay awake and brave and vulnerable in these moments. Even when my heart is so filled with joy that it aches and I worry that it may burst. I want to let it open and break because that is how resilience grows. My heart, my love, my courage is like any muscle. It hurts and feels wonderful to push and make them stronger.    Bitter/Sweet

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Crybaby Hamstrings

Last week I missed a yoga class because my knee was bothering me. The "good" knee. A friend asked about my absence, here is my response:

 "It's ok...underachiever glute meds + control freak quads = confused IT and seriously pissed popliteus. Trying to get everyone under control."

I'm 2 weeks in with the physical training and my body is reacting. It is acting out. I know enough about the body to expect it- to RESPECT it. This morning as I was massaging out the kinks I thought about that post. I thought- "Yep, and those crybaby hamstrings." WOW. I am treating my body like a misbehaving child that is acting out in an expected way. I would never talk to another person that way and expect a positive outcome. My internal dialogue is not helping me heal. It is causing the "crybabies" to lose even more confidence in themselves. Sure, sometimes I need to hear that I need to toughen up. That's really different from shaming a negative behavior into hiding. I believe in discipline. I want my body to be strong and my muscles to work together at their best to support my efforts. I need to start with my thinking in order to get the best from myself physically.

This simple shift sat with me during my meditation. I felt my body unravel as I felt proud of the work it has put in. My joints opened and let energy flow through them, the muscles that felt the shame of my resentment started to release their grip. They have been shielding themselves, protecting themselves from my critical mind. I've got to honor my body. It is stronger than I believe. It is powerful and graceful. It is a miraculous creation.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Learning To Wait

My first black belts worked for 3.5 years (HARD) before I promoted them. The second group will be more like 4 years. I will keep expanding that, my end goal is to have a black belt at my academy take around 5 years. In the bigger picture of traditional martial arts that is not that long, but in the martial arts culture surrounding me right now I see children being awarded black belt-- SOLID black, not poom-- rank in as little as 2 years. In my opinion that makes a joke out of what earning a black belt means. I have students waiting even at intermediate belts sometimes as long as a year! Bottom line is they are promoted when the skill standard is met. I do take each individual’s development under consideration- but at some point, if there needs to be more work done on a skill before promoting, they will have to wait. They will need to wait, and work and show that they have the desire to improve. They need to show willingness to learn and work even if progress feels slow or frustrating. Real understanding, real teaching and learning is always a process of tearing down and rebuilding to make the whole stronger. You don’t find a weak spot and cover over it with flimsy reinforcements and compensations. You don’t walk around a hole in your floor, you repair it, even if it means more work than you intended. There is always more cost, more time and more work than it looked like from the start.

It is not only about developing real skill, that is the external measure. In our current world of fun, fast and easy this develops work ethic. This develops true self esteem. If a teacher in my position does not absolutely understand how to use positive reinforcement at some point those false “Good job!” praises become a lie. Eventually a student figures that out for themselves- or maybe they don’t and that is part of this entitlement epidemic we are facing- eventually they see that it not real, it is not truth, it is meant to make them FEEL good and not BE good. What is that teaching? Ask anyone that has excelled at anything if getting to that level of accomplishment always felt good. Ask them about fun, fast and easy. In our industry there is so much opportunity to develop these qualities in ourselves and in all of the people we serve. I will continue to make them wait. I believe that learning to wait and learning to work should be taught and that it is a skill to be developed just like a kick or a strike.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Shame Whisperer

I can't tell you how many times I've heard some version of " When I get in better shape I want to start your class."
My response to that is always something about martial arts being the way you get in shape. I always promote with the words that I choose that a high level of fitness is not a prerequisite to getting started. I have a personal testimony to this. If that were true I would not be where I am today, and not just to get started but over and over and over again. Through years of training in anything there are phases of pulling away from high levels of conditioning for many reasons and coming back to it feeling discouraged and not so optimal. But that is life. 

My point is that yesterday I realized that I have been feeding that myth with my actions. I have plenty of talk to encourage and tell people that everyone struggles when they start, and there are new starts spread all through a journey towards any destination. Each day, each step is a new start with new struggles.  BIG TALK. I wasn't walking that talk, not even close. I believed that I was, but by not SHOWING people how I struggle personally I was showing them that struggle is shameful. 

When I take breaks from training and my body is less defined, I cover it up.
I start again...and I do the workouts alone until I feel "fit" to lead them.
I avoid exercises that I struggle with in front of others.

The list goes on. 

Yesterday I had to finish a few rounds of the physical UBBT requirements. I had planned to do it before classes started but I was running late. As they warmed up I did the last sets of push ups...on my knees. I really had to force myself to do it then. I felt ashamed to do the push ups on my knees in front of these kids and their parents. I wanted to stand up and clarify that I had already done SO MANY and my muscles were spent, I wanted to explain why I was struggling. That's when I realized how my actions were feeding this shame gremlin whispering to me, "If you struggle you are weak...If you struggle you are are the Master, the Master shouldn't struggle with push ups...The Master should make push ups look easy....If they see you struggle they won't believe that you can help them be strong."  
If they see you struggle they won't believe that you can help them be strong. WOW.  I have been promoting this terrible lie to myself. I have been saying one thing and living another and that isn't the integrity that I want to teach or live.

Courtesy. Integrity. Perseverance. Self Control. Indomitable Spirit. At my studio we say it at the end of every class. 
Today I am thankful I will say it with new insight. 

Kind to Others, Kind to Ourselves

 Practice extending compassion to yourself... just as you would to another person. Remind yourself that it's okay to take a break and ch...