Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Why I Started, Why I Stayed

My Why

Because I started martial arts at 23, fat
and desperate. I couldn’t hold a plank.
If I bent my arms at all for a push up I
collapsed. I was weak physically and mentally.

But I wanted to be different.

I didn’t know how but I wanted it. And
I wanted it to be easy, and I wanted
it to be hard. I was scared but I was
brave because I stayed.

I was brave because I stayed.

I used to think I was weak because I
stayed and at certain times I was. But for
whatever reasons I’ve ended up at the 
right places at the right times and
here I am.

I am transformed. I am totally and
fully transformed by this journey
in martial arts.
I know this in my heart.
But I keep trying to prove it to
everyone. I keep trying to prove it
to myself.

Because in my head I’m still that
fat, lonely, and scared girl that
doesn’t believe she can.
Even though I’ve seen and lived
through breaking that part of me
and making it stronger


I still struggle.

I wanted to be better,
keep pushing and growing  but why?

I would practice in secret
and make extreme promises to myself
I couldn’t keep-
And kept falling short of what
I wanted to “prove”  
so what I kept learning is
you can’t, you’re not enough,
you’re not worthy.

But I know that’s a lie.
I know that is shame
whispering in my ear and
I’m ready to shut that
Bitch up-

And the only way is stepping
into the light.

What has kept me hiding is
What is missing is accountability.
You can’t be hidden and be
held accountable.

You can’t stay in the shadows
and feel the sunshine.

The only thing keeping me there
is my self doubt
I have the support of my family
that loves me I have the support
of my students who love me
The only one in my way here
is me.

So- I’m ready to step into
the arena
& fight & get dusty and
dirty & bruised
But along with that comes triumph.
I will be in the light
and not in the crowd

Because the people brave
enough to step into the
battle & be authentic
& transparent &

are the ones that
inspire others to let
their light shine.

I want to be cracked open
so my light can
pour out

Because I have a light worth

Seeing  -

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